“^1” and “^0” are incompatible fields. Only one of them is a container field. Proceed anyway? This relationship will not work because the field “^1” is a container field. Proceed anyway? Checking for unique or existing values will not work because the field “^1” cannot be indexed. Proceed anyway? “^0”, which is a match field in this relationship, is also the destination of a lookup. This circular definition is not allowed. This relationship will not work because the field “^1” cannot be indexed. Proceed anyway? The calculation “^1” cannot be stored or indexed because it references a related field, a Global field, a Summary field or an unstored Calculation in its formula. The field type of “^0” cannot be changed because “^0” is used by the relationship “^1”. Permanently deleting “^1” will invalidate all references to it. Proceed anyway? Value list names must be between 1 and 60 characters and must be unique. Please type a valid name before clicking the create button. Relationship names must be between 1 and 60 characters and may not contain a “:”. Please type in a valid relationship name. The relationship name “^1” is not unique. The summarized field must be a Text, Number, Date, Time, Global or Calculation field. When changing to or from a Global field, all data in the field will be lost. Proceed anyway? The field “^0” has been defined to have more repetitions than the field “^1” in this file. As a result, some data may not be copied when a lookup is performed. Proceed anyway? When changing to or from a Container field, all data in the field will be lost. Proceed anyway? When changing the field type to Calculation or Summary, FileMaker will replace any data in the field with the result of the formula. Proceed anyway? When changing the field type from Text to Number, Date, or Time, FileMaker will put the data on one line. Any data after the first 255 characters will be permanently deleted. Proceed anyway? This name cannot be used in a calculation formula because it   • contains: + - * / ^ & = ≠ < > ≤ ≥ ( , ) " ::   • contains: AND, OR, XOR, NOT, or   • begins with a digit or a period, or   • has the same name as a function. Proceed anyway? Permanently delete this field and ALL of its contents? This field cannot be used here because it would cause a circular definition. The summarized field must be a Number, Date, Time or Calculation field. This constant is not a recognized status flag. The second argument in a GETSUMMARY function cannot be a Summary field unless it is the same field as the first argument. Only Summary fields are allowed as the first argument in a GETSUMMARY function. This expression is too complicated. GETSUMMARY functions cannot be nested within other GETSUMMARY functions. This text constant does not end with a quotation mark (") or is longer than 253 characters. This field is invalid. This field cannot be found. This number cannot be evaluated. Either an operator was omitted, this function cannot be found, or "(" was not expected here. An operator (e.g. +, -, *, …) is expected here. A number, text constant, field name, or "(" is expected here. There are more "(" than there are ")". There are more ")" than there are "(". There are too many separators in this function. There are too few separators in this function. In AVERAGE, COUNT, EXTEND, GETREPETITION, MAX, MIN, NPV, STDEV, SUM or GETSUMMARY, an expression was found where a field alone is needed. This formula is too long to be calculated. Break it up into two formulas. The field you select must be a Text, Number, Date, Time or Calculation field. The field type of “^0” cannot be changed because “^0” is used by “^1”. The calculation result type of “^0” cannot be changed because “^0” is used by “^1”. This lookup uses the field “^0” in its definition. Choose another field. The field name “^1” is not unique. Field names must be between 1 and 60 characters. Please type a valid field name before clicking the create button. “^0” cannot be deleted because it is used by the “^1” relationship. “^0” cannot be deleted because it is used in the script “^1”. “^0” cannot be deleted because it is used by the field “^1”.